
Note: fields marked with * are mandatory

Company Details

Travel Agency Name * (e.g. PT. ABC Travel)
District / State *
Number of Stores * (Number of your agency locations/stores)
Number of Users * (Number of Sign in that needs access to our LionAirThai Online Portal)

GST Details (Mandatory for Indian Agents)

GST Number * (Enter the 15 character GST Number)
GST Address *
GST PhoneNo *
GST Email Address *

Travel License Details

Company Type * (Private or Public Company)
Company Number * (Your Official Company Registration Number)
Tourism Registration num *

Contact Details

Manager's First Name * Last Name
(Your Person In charge for LionAirThai Air Account)
Email Address *  
(Please note that we will send our promotion information to this email address)
Phone Number * + Fax Number +
After Hours + Mobile +

Address Details

Address 1 *
Address 2
City * Postcode *
State *
Country *

Choose Your Login Name and Password

Login Name *
Login Password * Confirm Password *

Terms and Conditions



"User" means the user of this Website, who is registered on Website and have been provided with login & password and their authorised representatives using this website.


"Terms and Conditions" means the terms, conditions and disclaimers set out herein below.


"User Information" means all the information provided by the User on this website while registering and transacting.


"Account" means the facility extended under these Terms and Conditions allowing the User an individual right to  access the services provided on the Website.


Governing Law and Dispute Resolution


The Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of Thailand only and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located in Thailand only.